the plans I had hoped to use are set aside. the easel is up high so I can look down at a winding passage.
Long log.
Pile of logs on the shadows right below me.
Pattern of light on stream.
Trunk coming out of embankment.
Decide to stop half way. I want to build scenes. Give me time to form a plan. Give me time to get used to this scene.
2:42 pm stop for lunch break, sack lunch.
3:00 pm start smaller panel, easel set high to look down at jutting out rock.
jutting out stone
Double click to enlarge, above and next.
One minute walk up to see both paintings.
4:02 pm finished small piece
4:28 packed up
varnished Stone View when I got home, next day it looked better, next.
Stone View, 10 x 8 inch cradled panel, varnished, March 9, 2016