On display now at Burkholder Project, 719 P Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.
Contact Anne Burkholder @ anburkholder@earthlink.net
All paintings were begun outdoors en plein air.
Double click on images to see enlarged.
Study of Trees and Sky,
acrylic on canvas
panel in 10" x 12" frame,
image size 8" x 10"
signature lower left, $ 375
Pond on Farm #2, Schnares,
acrylic on panel in
11" x 14" frame,
image size 7" x 10"
signature lower right, $ 375
Field and Bluff,
acrylic on 11" x 14" cradled
signature lower right, $ 375
Tree Trunks, Woodwards,
acrylic on watercolor paper in 11" x14" frame,
image size 9" x 12",
signature lower right, $ 375
Near Old 24,
acrylic on watercolor paper in 11" x14" frame,
image size 9" x 12",
signature lower right, $ 375
Study Of Clouds,
acrylic on watercolor paper in 11" x14" frame,
image size 9" x 12",
signature lower right, $ 375
Change In Sky,
acrylic on watercolor paper in 11" x14" frame,
image size 9" x 12",
signature lower right, $ 375
Tree Trunks And Meadow, Woodwards,
acrylic on watercolor paper in 11" x14" frame,
image size 9" x 12",
signature lower right, $ 375
Study Of Tall Tree,
12" x 16", acrylic on panel
signature lower right, $ 375
On Farm # I,
10" x 10", acrylic on panel,
signature on lower right, $ 375
and Field,
24" x 18", acrylic on canvas,
signature lower left, $ 375
acrylic on 16" x 20" cradled panel,
signature lower left, $ 375
near Heins Lake,
acrylic on 16" x 20" cradled panel,
signature lower right, $ 375
12" x 16",
acrylic on panel,
signature on lower right, $ 375
Ridge, 18" x 24",
acrylic on canvas,
signature lower left, $ 375
24" x 24", acrylic on canvas,
signature lower right, $ 375
Artist Statement
considerations were given to “side-to-side” and “down-to-up” elements in each
painting, as it was first painted outdoors. These excursions took place outside Carrollton
city limits in Missouri during June and July of 2013. Thanks to Miles Conner at
Lincoln Lakes, Chris Woodward at Woodward Ranch, Roger and Marilyn Schnare on
their farm, and Miles Carter at Moss Creek for granting permission and access
to these properties.
Karl Marxhausen
August 2, 2013
A Visual Record website
email karl@marxhausen.net
phone 660-329-0242
Missouri, USA