It's June 2019. Photos from my Nebraska days at the Centennial College are not clear enough to use for the upcoming reunion. Vicki Van Steenburg phones me from California. A former Centennial College alum she likes my idea. I had talked about doing an inked drawing from photos I had. That way the artwork could be new and original. Her subsequent phone calls kept lighting fires under me. Energizing me.
Here are my new drawings from that montage. Double click on images to enlarge.
(fellow student with clamp light and black hat. student with wrestling T-shirt. strips of torn paper dancing above our heads. Ink on paper. Karl Marxhausen. 2019)
(Centennial friends in Commons Lounge watching unfolding tableau. Student on hands and knees, paper torn from discarded Lincoln phone books, A work in progress illumined by light. Staged in Love Hall next to the Neihardt Residential Center, University of Nebraska - Lincoln in 1976. Ink on paper. Karl Marxhausen. 2019)
(Centennial student pinching strips of paper, released to flutter, watching the ballet drift to the floor. Ink on paper. Karl Marxhausen. 2019)
(four UN-L students at Student Union, building with wood blocks. Ink on paper. Karl Marxhausen. 2019)
(student with wood, with wall sign. Ink on paper. Karl Marxhausen. 2019)
(Centennial student building his tower. Ink on paper. Karl Marxhausen. 2019)
Vicki is pleased with this contribution. Two ink montages will be on display at Love Library at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska during Centennial Reunion October 11- 12, 2019
Schedule and details for October Reunion
The ink work fuels me with joy and giggles ...... as my research continues to unfold.........