A warm day seated on wood stump outside, my fingers tease a
green cord through a knotted loop.
His fingers loosen tighten strings, his composition of me.
his delight, a yellow triangle
circles in circles with a red line
Moss Creek Journal Visual Artist Karl Marxhausen
It was a godsend that Jan had swollen red feet. It got you to the Doctor's office. Ronda Minor
How those who marvel at the engineering -- they fret -- they stammer -- they are puzzled -- they scratch their heads -- and suggest we must fear and panic and question.That morning in the sunshine, waiting and listening. Contemplating the times I have been helped by the Lord. The words of encouragement He put in my mind that lifted me. The way He drew my mind into a precious embrace. Soon phrases came, His soothing touch, His calm. ------ I jotted down the fragments that follow here: