Saturday, November 2, 2013

dorris travels and stays in hotels these days she reports from her black leather couch

          Words. My mother raised me to check the dictionary for the spelling of words. She said I was coming home from school with some new hybrid of a word, a new compound word, which brought a smile to her smile. She would point me to the HUGE open dictionary on the wooden podium in the dining room.
          She loved to compose her thoughts. Often typing on the manual typewriter in the basement. Her letters to the Seward County Independent editor. Saving trees. Keeping track of bills in the State legislature. City planning. Zoning. And sending out letters of news from our family in Seward, Nebraska to her parents in Blackburn, Missouri. I have saved her letters to me when I lived in Galena, Illinois, with questions in my life as a college student, living out on my own in the real world, dealing with friends and employers who did not live the same faith walk as me.
         These days Dorris spends her time traveling and staying in motels, she says when I call her on the phone, to her apartment in Lincoln, Nebraska. My composing of thoughts, my interest in research, my joy of reading, comes from her love of consuming the daily newspaper, her love of reading books, her knowledge from so many life experiences, which she shared with me. Her influence has been great on her first born son, who is writing this reflection right now.
         My sister-in-law has more thoughts on Dorris these days. Read Thank you Kim.
Her journal is at

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