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I am the one who ran away.
The Disciple That Fled by Karl Marxhausen 13.5 x 16.25 inches
Crayon and ink on paper
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The Flogging of Christ by Karl Marxhausen 17 x 17 inches
Crayon and ink on paper
In the 1800s, a public hanging occurred downtown, outside the courthouse. That time a murderer was hung. Had Jesus been put to death during modern times, the mob that killed him could easily have been
the Missouri Klan or angry farmers, housewives or villagers like me. In the background, the Carroll County courthouse towers like a silent spectator by the glow of imagined torch light. Christ Lynched Outside the Carroll Country Courthouse by Karl Marxhausen 17.5 x 14.5 inches Crayon and ink on paper
One so sincere so remarkable decided to let public injustice flood his senses with trauma exhaustion swollen eyes bleeding back torn ligaments stomach cramps pain name calling hatred and shame, so that I could forgive myself and my oppressors just as he did. He would die, be anointed for burial, lie dead in a rock tomb for days, be raised from death and be fully alive, but for now he is alone, aching, tempted to back out, hounded by doubts, hot and sweaty, determined to do it for a people he has yet to meet, readers like you and me. Despair of Christ by Karl Marxhausen 23.5 x 18 inches Crayon and ink on paper
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