"The backyard show in Long Beach was Art's idea, I'm sure." Richard Wiegman, Portland,Oregon
(Above, left to right: Gerry Brommer, Arthur Geisert, Dick Wiegman, Reinhold Marxhausen) Double click on images to see more details.
I asked Geisert who Gerald Brommer was.
"He was an art teacher at the Lutheran High School. Dick Wiegman and myself attended that school. Dick was a year ahead of me. We both went to Concordia in Seward." Sept 29, 2014
Geisert answered:
"In 1959 John Anderson and myself bicycled from California out to Seward. We camped out and slept along the road. It took us 6 weeks to get to Seward. Sometime later, Dick and I bicycled back to California. That took 5 weeks to get back. Road construction had gravel piles which were easier to scoop out nest to sleep in, rather than on the hard ground. Back then, we’d biked 80 miles a day. There were two mountain ranges. We rode up to the top of a pass and spent the night. It was COLD. Next day we coasted 10 or 12 miles down the other side." Sept.29, 2014
Both Geisert and Wiegman were taking art classes at Seward prior to and after this photo. During Christmas break of 1961 Geisert hatched the idea of having an impromtu art show in his parents backyard. His parents lived in Lakewood, CA. Both Wiegman and Geisert had returned home over the break and brought current art projects with them for that one day exhibit. Reinhold Marxhausen with his wife Dorris, and sons Karl and Paul were living in Oakland, CA. Marxhausen had just completed the fall term of graduate classes at Mills College. He was working toward his Master in Fine Arts degree with an emphasis in sculpture. Reinhold, also known as "Marxie," hand-lettered the sign for the exhibit on his car (see top photo).
According to Gerry Brommer, the college art professor had spoken to an conference of Southern California Lutheran school teachers in 1960, one year before he moved his family to Oakland and his sabbatical graduate classes began (click above).
"I believe he was the keynote speaker. He might have spoken on creativity. He may have showed slides of a farm where an art event was held. I remember he stayed at our house. He came out a day earlier. He and I drove down to the Los Angeles Harbor and spent time painting where the big ships and fishing boats are. I painted too. He ended up with my paintings and I with his. My wife tells me the painting has the date 1960 on it." Jan. 19, 2015Los Angeles Harbor by Reinhold Marxhausen
Brommer on Marxie:
"He was a strong influence, I’m sure. Maybe more so, since you were in his family. I have a couple things he made for me. Some plaques he designed just for me, made of metal and ceramics. He was prolific. January 19, 2015
Gerald F. Brommer LINK Richard Wiegman LINK Arthur Geisert LINK Reinhold P. Marxhausen LINK
(quotes from phone interviews with Karl Marxhausen. Richard Wiegman - October 22, 2014; Gerald Brommer - January 19, 2015; Arthur Geisert - September 29, 2014; photos courtesy of Marxhausen Estate LTD, Seward, Nebraska)
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